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Welcome to New Hope Winston NC, where we build new hope,change lives in a 5 Star Way.

5 Star ministry volunteer
5 Star customer service

The Foundation of a 5-Star Church

Give our customers what they need, but the way they want it.


5 Star Church – Key Definition

A customer-oriented church – focused on meeting the needs of its members and guests by uniquely providing services. (Colossians 3:23). 


5 Star Church at New Hope:  Three (3) Foundational Principles


1.  Considers its members and guests as “customers.

     What is a customer?
     A customer is a person or company that receives, consumes, or buys a product or service and can choose between different goods and suppliers.


​2. Focus on the QUALITY of every effort: 5 Star = Uniqueness.  In this 5-star paradigm, we uniquely provide all ministry.


3.  Give “Customers” more than they expect.



Join us on our journey to glorify God through our aim of becoming a 5 Star Church.  Contact us today!


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